Arpious of the Planes
Chapter 46 Bandits (1)

[Day 23]

Waking up, I lifted my head from my comfy pillow which I quickly regret due to the raging headache I had. Gripping onto my temples I try to massage the pain away but memories of yesterday soon came flooding in.

I winced in pain as I grabbed onto Aikas's arm who was sleeping right next to me. Aika wakes up and sees my condition and pulls me into her embrace with my face in her breasts. The hug calmed me down and slightly lowered the pain of my headache.

"Shhhh, it's alright, it's alright…" Aika whispered into my ear.

Soon after I recalled all the memories of yesterday, which then the headache slowly dissipated. Soon it was completely gone but the warmth of Aika's hug put me to sleep once more.

Waking up again, I felt refreshed but was still in the embrace of Aika. I looked out the roof of my room and saw that it was still the night. I couldn't see the moon so I assumed that night was going to pass over soon.

Slowly working my way out of Aika's embrace to not wake her up I eventually got out of my bed and walked through the hallways of my castle. I decided to take a bath since I probably won't go back to sleep.

Walking into the bath I saw moonlight shimmer through the waterfall. It was a nice view to look at because the only thing lighting up the bath was this moonlight that reflected through the waterfall.

The sound of the waterfall and the relaxing bath almost sent me to sleep once more but I was able to resist by dunking my head underwater. I washed with some soap and soaked a bit longer before getting out.

Wrapping a towel around my hair and body I entered the changing room where there were unlit candles. I quickly changed that with [Fires Will] and [Liquid Fire Secretion] dimly lighting the room. Some moonlight worked its way through the open window but it wasn't nearly enough to see what clothes I could change into.

I was able to see the changes to my body. I saw the tattoos on my arms and legs while in the bath but now I could see the rest of it. My right-wing was devilish black while my left wing was an angelic white. There was also a yellow lighting bolt mark, spanning from the tip of my right-wing to the tip of my left-wing.

The tattoos on my body created a type of exoskeleton made of ridged white and black markings.

After I finished inspecting the changes to my body I walked up to one of my shelves and grabbed a grey dress of it. I also grabbed some underwear and a bra which I had no idea how to put on by myself. You have to tie the ends to put them on, unlike the bras with clips back on earth.

Drying myself completely, I first slipped on my underwear but then I struggled to put my bra on. I've never really done this before so it took me at least 5 minutes to put it on and have it be comfortable. I then put on the grey dress which went all the way down to my ankles. It had a design where black lines flowed down the direction of my body.

Leaving the changing room I saw the night still had about 3 hours left until the sun would rise so I decided to go on a stealth mission.

"Speaking of stealth missions, where is Yin?" I mutter to myself as I leave my castle.

Can I still sense the collar like from before… Well, there's no harm in trying.

Standing still I tried to feel the connection between me and the color. Not even a minute passes by and I can sense the collar not too far from me but I can also sense Yin who was the wearer. This was probably due to the enchant [Slave and Master Pact].

I decided to let her finish her mission while I was going to clean up some trash. Activating [Shadow Magic] I slipped through the shadows of my kingdom. It didn't take me long to replace my first group of bandits that were about to **** 2 elven women.

"Fucking bastards," I muttered under my breath.

There were 4 bandits, 3 were fire harpies, while the last one was an amazonian.

Activating [Forbidden Magic: Medusa] I slip in and out of the shadows. The bandits were currently in an alleyway between two stores… which was perfect to silence them.

The bandits didn't get any time to react as I swiped my hand across the back of their heads instantly turning their heads into stone. Punching each head I made sure each head crumbled into stone leaving them decapitated.

"Are you okay?" I ask with a warm smile.

"*sniff* I am now… *sniff* thank you, my queen," one of the elves says while trying to stand up.

She was so scared from before that as she got up, she instantly collapsed onto her knees.

"W-why won't my legs work," she questions herself.

"Here let me help you out," I say while giving her support with my shoulder.

The other elf was scared as well but not nearly as much as the one I'm helping out.

"Though we are not worthy of your presence, I would like to thank you," she says while bowing towards me, legs shaking.

"Let me help you get home," I offer.

"W-we are not worthy of your assistance. You helping us earlier is enough so please don't trouble yourself with us, my queen," The less nervous elven woman says.

"I don't care… where's your home," I ask.

"If your majesty insists… My home is down the street while my friend here lives right next to me," she says.

I decided to hide the bodies so I can eat them later. Walking out of the dark and musty alleyway, we make our way down the street where the elven women that I'm assisting point towards a house.

We need lampposts of some type, I can barely see where she is pointing.

We first brought the elf that I'm supporting to her house since it was the closest. Opening the wooden door, I noticed not much furniture, only the necessities to live a comfortable life. Also, she had a second floor which we walked up to and sat down on her bed.

She was too scared to fall asleep, so I held her hand until she slowly drifted off. The other elf was still in the room waiting patiently for me to escort her so once I heard her light snore we left her house and made our way next door.

"What were you guys doing before you ran into those bandits?"

"If you will allow me to speak, we were just coming back from a restaurant. Also, I wanted to get my daughter some new clothes since she just tried to get a spear but was rejected due to her being too young," the elf responds.

"Oh, you mean Lily…"

"You know Lily! Did she do something wrong!?," the elf responds.


What is wrong with her… she's too stiff…

"No she's fine, also stop being so stiff around me, it makes me uncomfortable as well," I suggest.

"A-as you wish,"


Walking into her house, we immediately walk upstairs to the bedroom. I saw Lily sleeping in her mom's bed where the elf soon crawled into. Hugging her daughter tightly I left the house through [Shadow Magic] because I have my suspicions of the bandits.

I arrived back at the alleyway where I hid the bodies and saw a group of 10 bandits trying to retrieve those dead bodies. This time they were wearing a black bandana over their face so I couldn't make out what they looked like.

I hid in the shadows and decided to follow them, just in case they have a base. As they picked up the bodies they didn't notice any of the stone that came from their heads because I crumbled them into dust. This made them think they got beaten because of their carelessness and didn't even think of including me in the picture.

Like, come on, who would even think of their queen hunting down bandits personally.

The bandits soon left the alleyway and used the night to their advantage. They stayed only in the shadows which almost completely mask their presence... but they couldn't escape from me.

Following them a bit longer they made their way to the outskirts of my kingdom. They had poorly made wooden houses that looked like they could fall apart at any moment. The bandits soon entered the biggest house which had voices coming from it.

I slipped into it with [Shadow Magic] and saw a huge party with bandits. They were drinking some kind of juice that smelled like beer but I didn't notice anybody drunk. Looking around harder I see some women sucking up to the bandits for money.

Perching at the highest point of the house which was a broken pillar that looked like it used to hold up the roof. My eyes started to glow an ominous black yellow as you can only see the X and Diamond in my eyes.

"Let the massacre... begin..."

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