Rise Of The Hoarder
Chapter 377 The Fight Of Leaders

The floating fortress descended slightly, just enough to let the four team leaders soar into the fray.

Backlit by the fortress's radiance, the four figures descended, each exuding an aura of resolute determination that contrasted against the monstrous horde below.

They were the Leaders of the Gifted Alliance Headquarters.

"Let's go!"

Enveloped in specialized energy barriers, products of high-grade Items forged by Paul, they descended upon the monstrous horde like divine beings of war, their radiant forms stark against the churning darkness beneath.

The Item had two functions: Defense... and flight!

"Kill 'em all!"

Nye, leader of the Alpha Team, was the first to engage.

His ability to control time gifted him with an edge in battles. As he dove, he invoked his power, the world around him slowing to a crawl as he effortlessly wove through the airborne mass of demons.

His Skills came alive, his hands glowing with an intense, destructive force.

"<Big Bang Blast>" He unleashed a wave of energy, shattering the demonic swarm in its path.


His time manipulation ability coupled with his destructive Skills allowed him to slice through the enemy ranks, each stroke eliminating a swath of demons.

Close behind Nye, Lisa of the Beta Team brought her Gift to the forefront.

Energy surged around her, solidifying into a myriad of constructs.

Glowing swords, spears, shields, and more manifested, dancing around her as she descended.


Her constructs collided with the demons, severing wings and impaling bodies.

At the same time, her support Skills came into play, casting protective barriers and strength enhancements on her companions, bolstering their defense and offense.

Tia, the Gamma Team leader, engaged next. A master of stealth and assassination, she zipped through the demonic ranks, virtually invisible to their eyes.

Her Gift was potent, rendering her targets immobile as long as they couldn't see her.

One by one, demons suddenly froze in mid-air, unable to move as Tia's gaze fell upon them.




A quick slash, a swift stab, and the immobilized demons fell, cleared from the path of the leaders.

Finally, Luke, the leader of the Omega Team, entered the battlefield.

His Gift, a force of attraction and repulsion, pushed away the demonic swarm as he descended.

It was as if an invisible shield was deflecting their advance. With a thought, Luke reversed his power, pulling a group of demons towards him.

"Uh... <Energy Slice>...?"

His Skills activated, his hands lighting up with a violent energy that he released in a devastating arc, obliterating the attracted demons.


As the leaders bravely fought, Paul, the leader of the Gifted Alliance, made his move.

His gaze locked onto the towering demon wreaking havoc on the battlefield. With a powerful leap, Paul shot through the sky, a trail of light marking his path.


Despite the chaos around them, the leaders managed to carve a path through the monstrous horde, their combined abilities and Skills holding the demon swarm at bay.

Their courage and unwavering will were testament to their roles, the strength of the Gifted Alliance personified in their relentless advance.


He descended, a meteor blazing against the darkened sky.

The battle was far from over, but with their combined might, they had managed to penetrate the monstrous swarm, buying themselves precious time.

Now, all eyes turned to Paul, their leader, who was locked in an aerial collision course with the towering demon.

The battle for humanity had truly begun.



Paul soared through the sky, his form a blazing comet against the dark horde below.

His eyes were set on the gargantuan demon wreathed in flames that had just emerged. Its size was monstrous, and the heat radiating off its body could be felt even from a distance.

Its strength and power were terrifying. But it was this very terror that Paul was prepared to face.

'Now that they've all experienced the horrors of this Scenario with their eyes, all that's left is for the leaders and I to make short work of them, and they'll understand...'

In the end, no one would be able to defy him. Not with the fear of being destroyed by monsters such as this one.

'I am their only hope of survival in this world. I am their Savior!'

As he closed the distance, he activated his <G> Authority skill, a halo of bright light enveloping him as his stats boosted significantly.

His strength, agility, vitality and intelligence climbed to monstrous levels. 

"ROOOOAAAARRRHHHHH!!!" The demon lashed out with a massive, flaming fist.

Its sheer size made the attack difficult to evade, but Paul was quicker.


His agility enhanced, he dodged the fiery punch, feeling the heat grazing his cheek.

Activating his Absolute Focus skill, his eyes locked onto the demon, studying its movements, its strengths, and weaknesses.

His <Prime Regalia> hummed with power as he summoned the <71 Weapons of War>, materializing them around him.

Each weapon carried a distinct aura, a testament to Paul's impeccable craftsmanship.

'I evolved them even further after beating the Tower of War. Haha..."

With a swift motion, he commanded the weapons to attack, and they lunged forward, clashing against the demon's flame-wreathed form.


The demon roared, its flames barely repelling the weapons. But this was part of Paul's plan.

He activated his <Warlord's Tactics> and <Battle Supremacy> skills, analyzing the demon's defenses and its reactions.

A calculated grin formed on his face. 

He wielded a grand hammer, the head glowing brightly.

The Gift of Smithing merged with his Perfect Warrior skill, each strike perfectly timed and aimed.

The hammer clashed against the demon, and the shockwave rocked the battlefield.


The demon retaliated with a swipe, intending to crush Paul.

However, Paul's Fortitude skill hardened his resolve, his will unyielding against the immense force.

The demon's massive claws met Paul's <Perfect Predator> skill, and for the first time, the demon recoiled, taken aback by the force that Paul wielded. 

The Crown of Victory on his head glowed, signifying the nearing end of this battle.

He activated his Skill Interference, disrupting the demon's fiery armor, rendering it vulnerable for a brief moment. 

"Haa... you stand no chance."

Paul made his move, all his skills working together, his stats enhanced by his <G> Authority, his weapons armed and ready.

He commanded the 71 Weapons of War to charge, and they struck the demon all at once, piercing its flame barrier.


In the same instant, Paul leapt forward, his grand hammer raised high, and he brought it crashing down onto the demon with the full force of his Gift, his skills, and his boosted stats.

"ROOAAAA--!!" The demon's roar was drowned out by the thunderous impact.


The flames extinguishing in an instant, the demon crashed into the ground, a massive crater forming around its fallen form. 

Paul landed gracefully, the glow of his victory reflected in his eyes.

"Hmph..." Despite the terrifying power and immense strength of the demon, he had triumphed, subduing the beast with his formidable prowess and the many powerful items that he wielded.

The battlefield fell silent for a moment, all eyes on the victorious Hero of the Human Race.

The savior of the world!

'This should be more than enough.' Paul smirked to himself as he began to hear the thunderous echoes of praise from his subordinates.

They absolutely revered him.

'Are you watching, Lily? In the end... this is all that matters.'





I have a new novel ongoing, and I would really appreciate your support.

The title is "Only I Can See The End"

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