The Demon's Bride
Chapter 157: Black Horns-I

Chapter 157: Black Horns-I

Elise stood in front of the gate, the run had made her breathless. She looked at the gate which was now empty with people and bit her lips. Did she daydream? But Elise knows how different a daydream and reality would be. She clearly saw William, standing in front of the gate. Although she couldn't make out his expression, she believes that William's ghost came for a reason. But why at the manor?

Elise turned her head to see the manor once again. From the spot she stood at, she could see the manor as a whole building. Closing her eyes to blink once, she opened them again?to see a large black shadow covering the building, almost making the sky behind the manor turn dark as if it was the night time.

Elise closed her eyes again, rubbed and opened them again to take one more look at the building, this time the manor was back to normal.

What was happening to her? It felt uncanny how she couldn't replace a reason why her eyes were starting to hallucinate in the broad evening. Counting the time where she had seen a shoe store clerk holding a shadow behind her, this was the second time for Elise to see the black shadows hovering behind people. However it disappeared everytime when she rubbed or closed her eyes. Was it a sign?

"Is there a problem Miss?" asked one of the guards when he noticed how Elise had run fast to the gate.

"No, I just thought I saw someone," replied Elise to see how the guard took a look at the gate as if to check, but then the man saw no one and he inclined his head to question himself whether there was someone at the gate because he saw no one.

Elise didn't confide the details to the guards. She knew by experience that if she told people she saw the ghost of her little brother who had passed away they would question her sanity.

"I must have mistaken it," Elise said, offering the man a smile before her eyes looked back at the tall gate. She knows she clearly saw William but her baby brother had died, unless it was his ghost formed by her imagination. There were guards waiting on the gates but they couldn't see the ghost therefore it wouldn't help Elise even if she asked.

Where did William's ghost go to? Elise hadn't liked her power when she was young but she began to accept it as a part of her. She decided to hone her sight by seeing ghosts. They were frankly, frightening in appearance but she learned that there will be a time where her power would be put to good use.

Walking back, Elise saw Master Ian standing in front of the entrance. His devilish face was holding a delightful expression and Elise thought, it seemed as if he had just played a game on a person to swindle them before taking all their belongings.

"Where did my puppy run to?" Ian asked, calling her by the nickname he had used when she was small but had stopped using for the past two days. "I was watching you run in a furry, what were you chasing?" He asked with his hand smoothening her hair which had been blown by the wind as she ran.

"I thought I saw William," Elise answered Ian's question. He was the only person who would hear her words without giving her an odd expression or question if she was daydreaming. "In front of the gate, I saw William," she repeated, being clear with her words.

"His ghost you mean?" Ian questioned and Elise nodded. His eyes then went toward the gate to see there was no one. "What do you mean though? You didn't talk to him?" he asked again. Elise had the ability apart from seeing ghosts to talk to them, and with her little brother's appearance she would have asked William or spoken with the boy. However, there was another question in his mind, which was; why would the ghost be here at this time.

"He was gone before I knew it. I couldn't talk to him," replied Elise whose brows were pulled, "I don't know why William would be here. Most ghosts will stay at the place of their death," and that was the town she lived in, in the past.

"I am also puzzled. It is possible that he followed you or sensed you? But you didn't talk to him and that could have a meaning," answered Ian. Meaning? asked Elise in her mind unable to understand what happened. "We can talk about it again later. Tell me how did your talk with Edward go? I saw how happy you seemed talking to him at last," continued Ian. He feigned oblivion towards Elise as if he didn't know how it went when in truth he had taken advantage of having a sharp ear to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"He didn't kiss my hand," replied Elise only for Ian's face to look at her expression studying it, before he broke into chuckles. Realizing what she said, Elise felt her cheeks redden, "I mean, I had a talk with Mr. Harland, we sorted out what I need to know. He said he didn't like me and only wanted to be a friend."

"Is that all?" Ian asked her, "I thought you talked more. I wouldn't press you. I know that some conversations are meant to be kept confidential. I was just curious whether he asked you questions or if you told him something that I didn't know." Ian didn't miss how Elise's throat gulped at his question.

Ian knew he could push himself now but he was being mean with Elise, he knew what he was doing. He pressed her words, wanting to hear her feelings directly from her lips. The one question his sweet Elise asked him back then during the time before they left was brave but not enough.

Elise watched Ian's hand stretch out for her to take. She hoped he could use another method of transporting back to the castle but his wings always managed to fascinate her. Although she was afraid, Elise had to admit it was not all fear she felt when flying with Ian and the thought of doing it again enticed her.

After Elise took Ian's hand they went to the woods where Ian could reveal his wings without being under anyone's eyes. When Ian spread out his black wings, he didn't miss the look of wonder on her face while looking at him.

"I feel itchy," said Ian and Elise's gaze went from his wings to his eyes. "I think one of my feather's has disappeared somewhere when we flew earlier."

Elise recalled the feather she had with her and her hand covered her pocket. "Is that a problem?" a tinge of concern appeared evident in her voice.

"Not really, the black feathers that fell from my wings during shedding will turn to ash as time passes. The difference now is that I think someone picked my feather from the ground, holding it in place so I feel a little itchy. All of my feathers work just like my skin," Ian said and his wings flapped a little when he took one step forward to take a better look at Elise who is tongue tied.

"How long will it be until it turns to ash?" Elise didn't know Ian's feathers worked that way. If she knew she would have not taken it but now that she had it with her, she questioned if she should come clean about it to Ian.

"Less than half an hour I think. It shouldn't be a problem, should we go home?" That's short, thought Elise. She thought she could keep the feather silently without Ian knowing but now she thinks maybe it is a bad idea. Whispering an agreement they flew back to the castle.

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