To Live Again, For the First Time!
Chapter 133 - No Love At First Sight Pt I: (Inhumane)

After Noah thought it through, a small smile grew on the same face that had been littered with anxiety and frustration.

He had previously been scared that the person that he knew himself to be had changed.


Scared that he had changed into someone that he didn't quite like nor approve of.

But now that didn't matter too much. He would just figure it out as he went.

"You know, you can't control who you like, it's not all your fault," Grace twirled her hair with a helpless sigh as if talking to a son that she couldn't simply throw away, trying to comfort both herself and the 'son'.

Noah's eyes twitched a little.

"I already told you, it's not love at first sight!" Noah wanted to wash his reputation clean, after all, after a white shirt was dirtied, the longer he waited, the harder it would be to clarify.

Grace didn't say anything else, simply sighing exaggeratedly as if to say, 'ah, my scumbag son doesn't want to admit his scumminess, what should I do?'

Well to be fair, Grace didn't actually have anything against liking someone at first sight, after all, there was an innate part of a person that could be seen when you first laid your eye upon a person.

Not to forget that humans were naturally visual creatures. Who didn't like pretty things?

However, what she didn't appreciate was how it was romanticized.

What about the number of people who were tricked by playboys and girls with bad intentions? Who writes stories that youngsters will read about those people?

On the other hand, she could name at least a dozen novels where people found their prince charming and grew up happily ever after.

In fact, children grew up being fed that bullshit. That wasn't healthy at all!

There were just too many things wrong with that.

It wasn't that Grace would say that anyone handsome or beautiful that approaches you is out to trick you, but as someone who knew the true definition of being two-faced, her being quite two-faced herself and not being afraid to admit it, she knew that no matter what, you shouldn't be completely swayed by outer appearances.

You can appreciate them, but it was best not to be blinded by them.

Anyways, this was Noah's life, he could make his own decisions.

Grace could give her own input and advice, but she couldn't decide anything for him.

Since he had already decided, there was no more point in her intervening.

Of course, if Noah was indeed being tricked by a vixen, she would kindly make sure that her friend had a safety net to get himself out of the situation when it got too sticky.

If it was 'true love' on his part, she knew better than to stick herself in front of a love cannon.

In front of a person who saw the world through rose-colored glasses, you had to know that they wouldn't be afraid to see blood, after all, those damages couldn't be seen through the pink filter.

She wasn't ready to become collateral damage.

Not to mention, it would be a good learning experience for Noah if that were really the case.

Grace could be said to be a hands-off teacher.

On that note, Grace gave Emilin, who sat next to her, a thumbs up for a job well done, saving her a whole lot of time and effort.

"Well, seeing as you have already gotten what you wanted, how about we come over here to choose the color palette and theme we'll being using for this next project," Grace's eyes shone when they finally got to this point, completely unlike her previous lazy attitude.

Noah's eyes darkened that very second.

Let's not talk about going shopping, even making a selection of which vehicle he was going to use to get to the mall. Even that was painful enough.

It was like asking a death inmate how they wanted to die.

Sword stabs? Knife? Gun? Strangling? Drowning? Burning?

All this with the inmate knowing full well that the other party wanted them to die in the most painful way possible, ignoring whatever they proposed and skipping straight to what they wanted to stay the furthest away from, it was simply cruel.


I want to die of old age okay!?

Of course, he wanted to live!

"Can't we do that later?"

Like the procrastinator's tomorrow.

Aka: never.

"I was just in a good mood too. What are you trying to do to my livelihood," Noah played along with the act, only he was a little more realistic as if he were more experienced playing this part than Grace.

Grace narrowed her eyes.

"Don't you dare even try to get out of your promise!"

"Ha. You really sound like I owe you my life or something. Do I owe you a billion? At least a couple million from your acting right? Why do I feel like I was the one who was cheated, huh?" Noah made himself even more comfortable in his seat as if telling Grace that he wasn't getting up any time soon, much less to look at some torturing devices for himself.

There was that and the fact that he was indeed feeling more comfortable and relaxed at the moment when compared to just 5 minutes ago.

"Why do I feel like all you did was spout crap indulging in gossiping?"

"Weiwei was clearly the only one that cared whether or not I solved my troubles or not..."

Noah humphed at his friend.

Grace shrugged, "you're the one that came to me, what do you want me to say? Beggars can't be choosers! Don't you know at least that much comment sense?"

"Either way, your problem was solved in my office and you made a deal with me before talking, what more is there to complain about?"

Grace ended all chances for renegotiation right then and there.

As for Emilin, who was named during the conversation, she was sitting quietly, yet calmly, exuding a confident aura around her.

Inwardly, however, she was actually slightly embarrassed to have been said to be the only one who cared about Noah's problems when in fact she also had her ulterior motives.

Noah, who saw that 'confidence' tilted his head in both confusion and interest once again.

At first, he had already had an image of 'Weiwei' that told him that she was a shy girl who may even be his fan.

Then, after getting to know her a little better by speaking to her, she seemed to be a kind and gentle person, who he wouldn't mind talking more to, yet now, there was this other side of her that seemed incredibly different from his previous image of her.

Noah admitted that people could have various different sides to them, but even though it wasn't impossible for someone to be shy, confident, and kind at the same time when he found those characteristics on Emilin, Noah found them somewhat contradictory.

Mostly due to the impact of the changing personality in this short time frame.

It was the short time in which she changed that made the changes especially striking.

As for the reason behind these changes, it was of course Emilin trying to get used to the idea that this Weiwei was her, but she wasn't Weiwei, that she could do whatever she wanted to get out of her shell.

Of course, she wouldn't forget that her actions still had consequences, but for her specific purposes, that could be put to the back of her mind for now.

There was a short silence in the room where the drop of a pin would be heard.

And Grace, who had her fun taken away had to make her own entertainment, which was exactly what she did.

Proposing her amazing idea.

"Hey, you guys don't say, why don't we call this girl Noah speaks of right now and solve this problem once in for all!"



Theo: Hey, aren't I getting too little screen time?

Theo: When do I get to show up again? From what I see, it doesn't look like I'll be on for another dozen or so chapters!

Nathen: You don't say, I've had even less screen time okay? I barely even get to talk to my baby sister on screen.

Theo: But don't we still talk to her off-screen?

Nathen: True.

Theo: Oi. That's not the point, when am I going to join back in the fray??

Gabriel (Dad): Humph! Shouldn't you at least respect your elders? I haven't even had my screen time, yet you're here crying about not showing up for a couple of chapters.

Elena: *Slaps Gabriel lightly*

Elena: Don't talk to my son like that.

Theo: Yeah mom! You tell him!

Elena: You should stop complaining too! I haven't even started complaining yet!

Theo: *Looks away* 'Mom is always right… nothing to say here.'

Nathen: 'Oh, what pretty flower those are!' *Turns the other way* 'Nothing to say here…'

Gabriel: *Looks down* [Even if he had something to say, he wouldn't…]

The Big Boss has revealed herself.

Elena: Jfjif fahio …..! juheaosfho?! Yadayada! Blah Blah Blah…

[3 hours later]

Theo & Nathen: *Ears bleed out!*

Theo & Nathen: 'Fuck! Just give her her fucking screen time already!' *Give each other a knowing, sorrowful look*

Theo & Nathen: 'How do all those other people log out? Can I please leave already??'



Gabriel: 'My wife's voice is so pretty, even when she's complaining.'

Author: 'Why did I have to listen to all that too?' *Hands sore from clicking log out button for 3 hours, 59 minutes, and 30 seconds.*

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