Recently Added Wealthy Characters Tagged Novels
Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian
856 Chapters -
Clearing an Isekai with the Zero-Believers Goddess
360 Chapters -
Golden Time (JungYong)
155 Chapters -
Cultivating Immortality in a World of Chaos
152 Chapters -
The Green Tea’s Crushing Victories in the ’70s
518 Chapters -
After Defying the Villain’s Fate for Nine Lifetimes, the Heroines Turn Mad!
220 Chapters -
Volcanic Age
209 Chapters -
Forgotten Juliet
234 Chapters -
It Starts With The Confession To The Beautiful Master
47 Chapters -
My Son Might Be A Villain
378 Chapters -
The Older Brother of My Student is My Secret Crush
164 Chapters -
The Guide to Conquering Earthlings
60 Chapters -
Married to a Millionaire
63 Chapters -
My Dear Miss Medical Examiner
256 Chapters -
BOSS Transmigrates as a Little Cutie
204 Chapters -
Suppressing the Protagonist in the Start to Seize the Heroine
198 Chapters -
Villain Steal the Heroines
27 Chapters -
Celebrity Lady
147 Chapters -
I Raised Him Modestly, But He Came Back Obsessed With Me
137 Chapters -
Bite Your Fingertips
103 Chapters -
I Became a Sick Nobleman
178 Chapters -
The Empress’s Transmigration into a Magnate’s Wife
597 Chapters -
Silent Reading
62 Chapters -
The General’s Vampire Omega
89 Chapters