Is this destiny?
Chapter 1223 - The Grand Opening Of The LAMC RC (3)

Emma washed her face in the restroom and told herself to get it together.

After all, she took months to bring Charlie to meet her family and she didn't introduce him as a boyfriend but as a fiancé right away. However, they were in different cities. It's not like she saw her family every weekend and pretended to be friends-only with Charlie in front of them.

Now Emma understands Sophia's point that between an employer and a personal assistant there needs to be a connection of trust. How can she trust Tiffany after this? Knowing that Tiffany hid for a month that she is with Mike while sneaking around, Emma is wondering: what else is Tiffany hiding? Even if she is not hiding anything now, how can Emma have confidence that Tiffany will not work behind her back in the future?

It's not that Emma didn't see signs that something is going on, but she brushed them away because she believed that if something IS going on, Mike and Tiffany will tell her.

Ah, people are complicated. Emma prefers working with muscles and nerve damage. It's simpler.

Emma was startled by a woman who was standing few steps away and staring at her. It took her few seconds to recognize Aileen Smith.

"Hi Aileen, can I help you?"

Aileen snorted. "What makes you think that you can help anyone?"

Emma blinked. "Excuse me?"

"What makes you think that you are good enough to join my Smith family?"

Emma realized that Aileen is talking about Emma's relationship with Charlie. Charlie told her that there will be people opposing it, but she never expected anything like an ambush in the restroom where a woman will talk to her derisively. What is this? High school? Well, she prefers this compared to scheming behind her back.

Emma faked a smile and spoke to Aileen: "I apologize. I didn't recognize you as a person who gives permission to outsiders to date your extended family members. Are you a clerk? Or maybe a ticket seller at the entrance of a circus?"

Aileen was outraged. "WHAT? How dare you, a simple nurse talk to me like that? You are just trash who got picked up!"

"I have no idea what you think that you can accomplish by throwing insults my way, but I don't have time for this."

Emma moved to leave the restroom and Aileen grabbed her arm.

"I am not done!", Aileen hissed.

Emma narrowed her eyes at Aileen. In a split second, the base of Emma's palm landed on Aileen's forehead, pushing her backward. Aileen was caught by surprise when her head slammed on the wall behind her.

Emma didn't give her a chance to recover. She gripped Aileen's neck and said angrily: "If you get in my way one more time, I will flush you down the toilet with the rest of the crap. Understood?"

Aileen nodded frantically and she was relieved when Emma released her neck.

"Now get out!", Emma commanded.

Without delay, Aileen dashed out of the bathroom.

Emma was all brave and intimidating, but now that Aileen got out, Emma realized that she is shaking. After all, she never did anything like this.

Emma went back to the sink to wash her face with cold water.

"Nicely done!", Sarah's praise startled Emma.

Emma realized that somehow, Sarah knows what happened. Where was she? "Thanks. Why didn't you help me?", Emma grumbled.

Sarah stifled a laugh. "Did you need my help?"

"Well, no."

Sarah smiled seeing Emma's shaky hands. "The first time is the hardest. It will get better as you gain more experience in bashing people."

Emma took a deep breath, trying to compose herself.

Sarah can see that Emma's mind is in turmoil and she offered her explanation: "If I made an appearance, it would be you showing that woman her place while someone got your back. Like this, the woman knows that you can take care of her by yourself. It gives you a better image."

Emma laughed weakly. "Thank you for worrying about my image."

"Take few more deep breaths before going out. That woman is prideful, she will not give up so easily, and the next time she might not come by herself. Don't show her that what happened shook you up."

Emma nodded in understanding. Her hunch is also that this is not over. "What do you suggest?"

"Remember your training. And remember not to walk around without your bodyguards. Where are they?"

Emma pointed toward the outside, but Sarah knows that all bodyguards have assigned positions to watch over and Emma has no one following her.

Sarah shook her head in disapproval. "You need to increase your vigilance. A woman like those doesn't play fair. By staying carefree you are putting more pressure on Charlie. Show him that you are taking this seriously. Charlie was in the wheelchair and his cousins rejoiced, what makes you think that they will be civil toward you?"

Sarah saw that Emma's mood dropped and she offered encouragement: "As I said, you did great. Keep it up. Show them that they can't shake you up and that you can fend for yourself. Also, don't forget that we always got your back."

Emma paused. "Did you know that I will be here?"

Sarah smiled. "Me and my crew are covering up the whole area. If I was not here, Oni or Zula would provide you with assistance… if needed."

Emma glanced around the restroom suspiciously. "Where exactly were you?"

Sarah laughed. Who knows what Emma is imagining? An invisibility cloak? Or maybe some shrinking feature. "Outside. I got in when that woman left."

"How would you know if I got into trouble I can't take care of by myself?"

Sarah pointed up and Emma was surprised to see a drone. Was it there the whole time?

"As I said, me and my crew are covering up the area.", Sarah repeated.

Emma relaxed and looked at Sarah gratefully. "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. We are treating this like a practice mission for our teamwork."

Emma was about to walk out when Sarah stopped her.

"Emma… Don't be too hard on Tiffany."

Emma frowned when she realized…"You know about her and Mike?"

"Oni told me.", Sarah admitted.

Emma exhaled in frustration. "Everyone knew except for me."

"It's not like that. Tiffany told Oni because they are good friends. Tiffany might be smart and capable and with a bubbly personality, but on the inside she is insecure. Her whole life she lived under the strict guidance of her parents who used her as a tool, and she feels… unworthy. That is why she didn't say anything to anyone because she thought how Mike is too good for her, and that he will leave her. And she also thinks that the job you gave her is too good and she didn't want to risk upsetting you and losing it. Just how that woman looked down on you, Tiffany fears that everyone is looking down on her."

Emma remembered that party, where those four women talked to her like she is trash and ended up with a ruined dress and Emma's heart, felt heavy at the thought that ten minutes ago she was the bully, judging Tiffany without trying to understand the situation or giving Tiffany a chance to explain.

"I don't look down on her.", Emma said after a long silence.

"Maybe you should tell her that." Sarah gave Emma a meaningful look.

Emma realized that Sarah is not talking randomly. "You know what happened ten minutes ago?"

Sarah nodded and pointed up.

Emma knew that Sarah is gesturing toward the drone. And that there are probably more of them. She looked up and her face showed confusion when she could not see the drone.

"There was a flying gadget there a minute ago, right?"

Sarah stifled a laugh. "Right. Let's go before Charlie gets worried."


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