Is this destiny?
Chapter 1453 - Talks With New Kids (2)

While Aiden and Daniel sparred in the fighting ring, Sarah was talking to twenty-nine girls in the family room.

Sarah wanted to replace out how the girls are doing, and to give them a chance to ask questions or share their inputs. Also, if any of them wanted to talk in private, or in smaller groups, Sarah told them to come forward.

"We will be here tonight and tomorrow. We plan to leave tomorrow afternoon, but if there is a need, we can stay longer.", Sarah told them. "In the morning, before breakfast, we will do a series of physical tests to evaluate your strength and stamina. We will use the results to check your current condition and determine your training regime. If you don't feel ready, you don't need to take these tests at this time; we will have them available for you every two weeks. Keep in mind that unless you undergo these tests, you will not be allowed to do and exercises other than running. We don't want to risk you getting hurt…"

After discussing the schedule and plans for the next day, Sarah also brought up the topic of relationships between the kids.

"Why are you telling us this?", Chione asked. "Are you expecting us to be matched with someone?"

Sarah was surprised by this logic. But then she thought that considering that the girls were kidnapped, and the horrible experience after, it's not unusual that they are jumpy when someone mentions relationships.

Sarah lifted her hands, indicating to Chione how she means no offense. "We will never force you into a relationship, and I guarantee that it will be your decision if you want to be in a relationship with someone. As long as it's not putting you in danger, and it's mutual, I and Aiden will not interfere. I brought this up because we are aware that you will develop feelings for someone in the future, it is normal. My advice to you is to think it through before anything starts, and think about it twice if your crush is someone from the family. You can't tell how it will end up, but if you are not confident in your feelings from the start, it will probably not end well. Breakups within the family will impact more than just the two people who are involved."

Patricia raised her hand before speaking: "If we date someone, and the breakup is bad… what will happen then?"

"What do you think it will happen?", Sarah asked.

"I've seen classmates not talking to each other. And their friends taking sides.", Camila said.

Sarah nodded in agreement. "It is one thing when that happens during few hours while you are in school, but we all are living together, and the situation will be uncomfortable for anyone who is close to the couple who broke up."

"Then, why are you allowing people to date someone from the family?", Azra asked Sarah.

"Each of our kids is different and unique, but we see that you have many things in common. All of you have a past which is heavier than the one of regular teenagers. You all share the desire to be better than you currently are and to fix the wrongs in society. You are all motivated and bright young people. All kids who live under our roof already have a lot in common. Having things in common will make you bond with others, and you might be surprised when you suddenly become aware that someone is more important in your life than anyone else. Do you want me to come between you and the person you cherish and to tell you that it's wrong?"

The girls agreed that they understand Sarah's point of view and Sarah warned them not to take this lightly. "If you start liking someone, it's better to be safe than sorry. If you are unsure what to do, come and talk to me. OK?"

Sarah encouraged them to come forward with questions they have that are appropriate for a group discussion. "There is a high chance that another girl has the same question. Discussing it in a group will help you see how others feel about that topic as well..."

"What God does our family follow?", Esme asked.

Sarah saw that all the girls are looking at her expectantly and she sighed. She does not like talking about religion, but she needs to...

"Do you have a God you believe in?", Sarah asked Esme back.

"I grew up in an Islamic family.", Esme responded.

"That is not what I asked you. My question was, do YOU believe in God?"

Esme blinked in confusion. "What is the difference?"

"Normally, we don't get to choose our religion. It is something we are born into. Some of you are born into Christian families, some in Islamic, some in Buddhists, and some families do not align themselves with any religion. In our family, we don't think that any of them is wrong, but we believe that each of them is a choice."

"Do you believe in all of them?", Xiaohui asked with disbelief obvious in her voice.

"No. I don't believe in any of them."

Rosa's eyes widened in surprise. "You are an atheist?"

"A humanist.", Sarah corrected her.

"What is that?", Chione asked Sarah.

"Both me and Aiden think that God is not needed for humans to be moral. I believe that we should care for other people and that we can understand right from wrong and show sympathy and compassion without guidance from a God by following a simple rule of treating others how we want others to treat us."

"Is that a religion?", Femi asked.

"Religion is defined as a belief and worshiping of superhuman power. I believe in humans.", Sarah explained.

"In other words, that is a 'no'.", Rosa said.

Sarah confirmed. "Correct. Humanism is a belief that humans control their lives and are responsible for their actions." 

Merve raised her hand before asking: "Uhm… so… how does that work in practice?"

"We want you to be responsible for your actions, and for your choices. We expect all of our kids to use critical thinking. Ask yourself: what kind of person you are? Does that align with any religion? Challenge yourself: does praying and believing in a God impact your life in any way? Does it make you a better person?", Sarah swept her sight over girls and paused before continuing: "Right now, you are a clean slate. Use your time in this house to empty your mind and think, who are you are and who do you want to become? And then think if your religion will help you in that quest, or will it deter you, or it does not matter?"

Harini raised her hand to get Sarah's attention before asking: "What if we follow a religion you don't believe in?"

Sarah smiled meekly. "Have confidence that we will not judge you no matter what you decide to do. In our house, everyone is free to make their own choices. If you wish to follow a specific religion, or rituals, or to be an atheist, or anything in between, we will only ask you to be respectful of others. Do not force your beliefs on others. Constructive discussions are welcome, but if you can't bear to have your beliefs challenged without escalating into an argument, then don't start talking about it. The main things we practice in our house are respect and kindness. Is that clear?"

The girls nodded.

"What if we can't decide, no matter how much we think about it?", Azra asked.

"People are divided into leaders and followers. Leaders create paths by making decisions even when they are not agreeing with the popular opinion. Followers stay inside their comfort zone and follow in the path leaders created while living their lives according to the rules leaders set. Will you be a leader or a follower? This is your life, and your decisions will shape it. If you are thinking about following a religion and you can't decide, I believe that you already have your answer."

"What if our choice is wrong and we fail?", Rosa asked.

"Think about why you failed, adjust, and try again. You fail only when you give up."


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