Is this destiny?
Chapter 411 - Sarah's Birthday (11)

Sarah was lost in the kiss. She was lost in his words. She felt like floating. 'Oh, he lifted me!' Aiden placed her to sit on the kitchen counter. Sarah felt coldness of the stone surface seep through thin fabric of her summer dress and clash against the heat of her body. Her fingers twined in his hair and she pulled him close. She held onto him tightly while tasting him, not willing to let go. Ever.

Aiden felt her intensity and it made his desire grow. The thought of this perfect girl wanting him, made him lose himself. The thought that she does not mind when he is selfish, encouraged him to be brazen and take from her whatever he can. And then, he was not able to form a single thought anymore. She was sweet and soft and in his arms, and she was letting out barely audible moans which were just right to drive him crazy. He pulled her close to him and felt that the height of the counter she is sitting on is perfect for their hips to align. His hands went under her skirt, caressing sides of her thighs as they moved higher, until his fingers clutched edges of her panties. He felt her shiver. At the same time sound of people laughing came from outside.

Aiden was brought back to Earth and broke the kiss. He glanced over her shoulder, through the window, at the people sitting around bonfire. Those are people she considers her friends.

"Why did you stop?" Sarah's heavy breaths brushed his ear.

Aiden tilted his head slightly and their cheeks rubbed against each other. He smiled. "I feel that I'm taking advantage of you." He felt a tinge of guilt, making out with her in the kitchen while her friends who she does not see very often are outside. Probably waiting for her... after all, that is why they gathered here. He was selfish, not willing to share her with those few people, even at this limited time. He knows that he is selfish, but he can't help himself. She belongs to him. Always... But maybe just for tonight, just for a little while longer he can let them have her company, before she comes back to be his alone. He reluctantly inched away from her.

Aiden felt Sarah's body shift for a second and her hand stroked his throbbing crotch. Her fingers held onto him with just enough force to remind him of his current state and how much he wants her.

Sarah kissed his cheek and spoke into it. "It's not called taking advantage if both parties are willing."

Aiden looked at Sarah with renewed vigor. He saw that she lifted her hand for a moment and a piece of dark pink fabric flashed before she tucked it into the back pocket of his cargo shorts. He inhaled sharply. 'Are those...?' His hands went under her dress and moved up with urgency. He needed to confirm... He didn't have much time, her fingers rapidly worked on a zipper of his shorts.

With last drop of reasoning he glanced through the window and counted people around the bonfire. 'They are all there...'

He felt himself spring free just for a second before her heat enveloped him. Everything disappeared. The whole universe was reduced to two bodies in that kitchen, merging into one. Nothing else mattered.

Sarah and Marija are on the beach, throwing pebbles in the water while discussing challenges of Marija's latest tool to replace vulnerable registries. Sarah is doing her best to stay focused on Marija and their talk, but every few minutes she glances toward bonfire and her eyes meet Aiden's who is not leaving her out of his sight. She is happy to know that his attention is on her.

Aiden watched Sarah and had difficulty to look anywhere else. He wanted to go there and hold her, but he repeatedly reminded himself to let her have some time with her friends. They will leave soon. At least he hopes that they will leave soon.

Aiden's attention got pulled toward the shadow which was slowly approaching them from the direction of the sailboat. Only when shadow was few steps away from the bonfire, Aiden was able to confirm that it's Mishi. He came back, without Eliza.

Aiden watched Mishi as he stood in front of the bonfire and stared at it for some time. Aiden thought that Mishi smiled, but he could not be certain, because of the mustache. Mishi squatted and used a cinder to light up a cigar. He walked toward Aiden and took a seat in a lounging chair next to him.

Aiden didn't want to appear rude with his back facing Mishi and leaned in his lounging chair to match Mishi's posture. As he leaned, he felt a bulge in his back pocket. Aiden's gaze drifted off to Sarah and he smiled, remembering what happened in the kitchen. 'Her panties are still in my pocket... doesn't that mean... she is not wearing any?' His throat felt dry, and he struggled to swallow.

Aiden forced himself to look away from Sarah and faced Mishi. He met a pair of curious eyes scrutinizing him.

Mishi took a puff from his cigar and a thick cloud of smoke drifted up. "You really are Omega?"

Aiden was not sure if that was a question or a statement. In any case, he gave a small nod as a response and smirked. He was satisfied with Mishi's change of expression at his confirmation. 'If I knew that it will be this satisfying to have people look at me in awe, I would reveal my identity to more people.' In next moment, Aiden shook that thought away. It's dangerous to let your ego take over. Safety is in secrecy.

"Why is a man like you with Sarah?" Mishi's question caught Aiden unprepared.

Aiden thought for few seconds. 'Why is he asking this?' Part of him wanted to snap. 'That is none of your business!' And part of him reminded him that this is Sarah's friend. He should play nice, unless he is openly provoked.

"Because she didn't push me away." Aiden gave a perfect answer.

Aiden is aware that this answer is probably useless to Mishi, but he does not care. That December evening in his apartment in Fairfield, Sarah didn't push him away, she hugged him instead. It was the first time she openly expressed that she likes him. And for Aiden, that was the beginning, beginning of everything. He felt like a piece of driftwood at the edge of a whirlpool and when she hugged him that evening, he was violently pulled inside, without any hope of escaping whatever waits for him in the center.

"I don't understand." Mishi was confused.

'I thought so.' Aiden smirked for a moment and then looked at Mishi seriously. "Why is a man like me with her? Because her gravitational pull is too strong for me to resist. I will follow her anywhere."

Mishi tilted his head to the side and stroked his mustache with his thumb and index finger while thinking about Aiden's answer. He pulled another puff from his cigar.

"Why do you ask? What is it to you?" Aiden was suspicious.

Mishi smiled like a grownup who is amused by a child. "Just curious. Nothing more."

Aiden watched Mishi for some time before asking. "And why are you with Sarah?"

Mishi looked at Aiden for a second in surprise before letting out a laugh. "Well, I asked first.. I should have expected to get the question back."

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