My Unconventional Delivery System!
Chapter 19 - Classroom (Edited)

Imparting Meru her punishment, he just left her there crying. He didn't bother himself to comfort her, it was her fault in the first place, he didn't deem her to be worth providing comfort, not after how he schemed for him and Kyōka to fight. If he didn't get the enhancement magic from Kuro he would've been critically injured in that fight, yeah… he didn't plan on comforting anyone.

Entering the largest building, he followed the route leading to the school office, talking with the administrator he asked about the room assigned to him. ​​

Thanks to Meru's shenanigans he was a bit late, but the administrator in charge of his transfer papers didn't mind at all as he revealed to her the reason of his late arrival; it signified that students here tended to be unruly and he wasn't the first with a late arrival case like this, he felt relieved that he didn't have to face any consequences because of Meru's mischief.

He was ultimately assigned to a room in the 3rd year wing with relative ease and without any complications, for which he was again relieved, he still had some doubts about being assigned to this school after all, which now was all but gone. Anyways after getting assigned he followed his new homeroom teacher to his class.

While walking he took a long glance at his teacher, and if Kyle were to be honest she was smoking hot. She had a curvy body with a slender waist and the right amount of curves in all the right places. She was a prime milf with a youthful face. Since most students here were girls, the teachers were also mostly women.

This could be said to be a perfect place to get a harem of extraordinary beauties, however Kyle had zero plans of making a harem, at least as he was now, he had no interest in it.

Moments of more walking ensued as they reached a room with sign 3-A. Kyle had arrived at his classroom for his third year of high school in the Nango-Kuren High School. 

Kyle and his new homeroom teacher entered simultaneously. His gaze immediately caught the sight of a familiar person.

Kyōka, the Kōgōryū of this school was sitting there, her gaze also resting on him! Her body had been bandaged after the fight, even in this condition she still rocked a badass look, instead of the pitiful and weak aura that was expected; how could someone pull that off still eludes Kyle's logic, ultimately he just termed it under anime logic and didn't think further.

Meanwhile, contrary to Kyle's somewhat unusual thought process, Kyōka was utterly shocked to see Kyle enter the classroom, Kyle with all honesty of the word relished that expression. He was by no means a petty person, but Kyōka had almost ruined his first day at school, so he didn't control himself from this small amount of amusement he could feel at her expense, even though it went against his moral conscience.

His teacher gathered the class' attention and stated enthusiastically, a bit too much of it in fact.

"Etto... everyone, we have a new classmate today and yes he is a male finally… ahem- he just transferred this year, you may introduce yourself now."

Kyle calmly glanced at everyone in his class with his dead-like eyes, outwardly he was calm and collected, a stark contrast to his inward self which was currently in a perpetual mess of panic and anxiety.

Why wouldn't he, since he was the only male in this class! Yes, he couldn't spot a single boy in this class, all he witnessed were girls looking at him with prominently curiosity and other emotions thrown in the mix. Naturally he was extremely nervous.

He in his 10 years of life in this world and the rest of his previous world had never faced a situation like this one. He was an ordinary boy, getting the attention of so many girls would naturally invoke nervousness in him. He also felt a tad bit lustful, he was after all an ordinary teenager with interest in girls, seeing the myriad range of beauties gathered in his class.

Kyle tried his best to stay calm and he succeeded…

"Ahem- Nice to meet you beautiful ladies, my name is Kobayashi Kyle, I might not be a particularly handsome individual but I believe that I'm still much better than most of the guys here, seeing that there's such a pitiful amount of us here; anyways that's all about me, thank you for listening." 

… or not, because as soon as he finished his introduction, his brain kicked in, analysed the words he uttered and instantly cringed at his own words. Instantly regretting even the thought of uttering them, much more so was in the case that he had actually uttered them out loud. He instantly had the thought of suicide lingering in his conscious for a few moments but quickly dissipated it. His only wish now was that they would either not hear or just take it as a humorous introduction.

Silence descended the class as Kyle finished his 'amazing' introduction. Even the teacher was tongue tied not uttering a single word. Kyle started sweating profusely, the thought of suicide seeming like a good one with each passing second.

Which ultimately stopped, since moments later, every one of the girls, one after the other started laughing in a jesting note.

"Pff- HAHAHAHAHAHA what the hell!"

"Oh my gosh you're so funny! Someone can introduce themselves like that?! Wow, you learn something new, everyday... Ahahaha!"

"Stop it, my stomach hurts! AHAHAHA!"

Kyōka didn't laugh like the rest, but there was still a smile hanging on her beautifully savage face, her interest and curiosity in Kyle heightening with each passing second.

Till now, she thought that this guy, with those deadly eyes of his, who defeated her so easily was a cold blooded person, a conclusion she came by the way his attacks aimed to kill, a cold and ruthless way of fighting that still made her shiver and also excited her inner battle enthusiast, but now it seemed that her impression of him had been wrong. 

Visibly embarrassed Kyle scratched his head and smiled wryly at them, he was equally relieved on the inside though and was thanking whichever God had heard his pleas. At least now they would think of him as a humorous person rather than an arrogant narcissist that he sounded in that brief introduction. Moreover, the girls seemed to have had a good impression of him; something evident by the interest they held of him in their eyes along with the curiosity and the light hearted atmosphere permeating the classroom.

The teacher also joined in on the laughing atmosphere, stopping she looked at Kyle in interest.

"Huhu~ you're pretty funny Kobayashi-kun, jokes aside, please sit down anywhere you like."

With that said, almost everyone in the room was strangely excited, it was evident that every single one of them wanted to be the one sitting closest to him!

Unexpectedly and certainly unintentionally, he had gained quite the popularity amongst his new classmates by dint of his, totally unintentional, humorous introduction. Well, the peculiarity of the situation mostly cleared by the fact that even though the girls here were mostly equally hot and beautiful, with lust inducingly proportionate bodies, they were inadvertently single. Being a girls school previously most of them didn't have much chance of getting in touch with the opposite sex. So, it was expected that they would be so enthusiastic of the prospect of having a relationship with a boy, ergo Kyle. To summarize they were horny and passionate about experiencing high school love and the whole package attached with it.

Kyle looked around the classroom, spotting 4 empty tables available for him to occupy, though there were 4 seats to choose from it didn't take him more than a few seconds to pick a table.

He occupied the seat next to Kyōka's, the reason wasn't the one that comes to mind first when a boy sits next to a girl, no he wanted to be as far away from that menace as humanly possible, the main reason was because it was the protagonist seat (the last seat of the end of the room beside the window) and it was his long cherished dream to seat on it once in his life. Strangely he was never able to do that in the last 10 years, he wondered why now? But he didn't dwell on it for now.

Kyle didn't greet Kyōka, he ignored her altogether. He knew that it'd just turn into an awkward situation, especially so, since he beat her up not long ago. Seriously he checked and it wasn't even 20 minutes since he did that.

Kyōka was just staring at him with interest, while Kyle did his best to act like he didn't notice her stare nor her existence.

Not long after, the class started and he was finally free from Kyōka's intense gaze, other than being supremely uncomfortable, he felt no other emotions from being stared at by Kyōka. So he sighed in relief for being spared from that uncomfortableness and from the equally awkward conversation that he would have to initiate to end the aforementioned awkwardness, lest he might not be able to pay attention to his classes.

The class was pretty normal, the teaching though, was totally on a completely different level than his former school. 'As expected… this school is really for elites.' he mused internally.

Though the subject was hard, the fluent and flavorful teaching helped, moreover it wasn't hard enough that he couldn't keep up, his intelligence was above average to begin with so there won't be much problem of him getting a passing mark if he pays attention to his classes.

Time passed, he began to notice some changes in his intellect and comprehension capability. At first he thought that his above average intelligence and the relative easiness of the subject was the reason he could keep up.

But he soon realized that he could actually remember the new things that he learned today with great detail. Moreover, thinking clearly, he could also understand every topic to the point and precisely signifying both, an increase in intellect and vast elevation in his memory.

Kyle couldn't pinpoint the cause of his sudden increase of Intelligence, but he had his guesses.

1. Because of the magical enchantment. But it had the lowest possibility as he heard from Tohru that it just increased your overall physical strength and capabilities, she didn't say anything about increasing intelligence however.

2. The Spiritual Eye. This had the highest possibility, it might not be useful in real combat situations, but… the possibility of increasing his intelligence was very high.

He reckoned that he would figure it out in time, while he was caught up in his thoughts, the bell rang signifying lunchtime.

Kyle didn't move from his table just yet, he was still contemplating some small details. In his contemplation he failed to notice that most of his classmates' gaze was locked on his pondering figure. Their gazes were that of desire, the desire to know him better, of starting a relationship with him, becoming friends, becoming lovers...

Though this behavior would've been extremely strange and unbelievable if mentioned somewhere else, but in a school like this where the scarcity of male students was so abysmally low it became extremely believable, and this exact situation was occurring currently.

The girls were ready to approach, but before they could, Kyōka just a table before him stood up and abruptly slammed her right hand on Kyle's desk.

It successfully gained the attention of Kyle, his dead-like eyes nailing Kyōka with a cold gaze making her shiver inwardly. "What is it?"

Yet his tone was gentle and that of polite inquiry, Kyōka quickly noticed this contrast 'He actually wasn't actually being cold with me after all… it's just his eyes that were giving that misconception... interesting... with his eyes many people might, no should misunderstand him, but that is excluding someone like me of course. fufu~'

"Let's talk privately shall we?"


"Because I said so, as a Ryū I have certain authority over this school and no one can refuse me."

"That's pretty cocky for someone who I just defeated recently... easily."

"I admit that you're powerful, but you caught me off guard and without any preparation next time the outcome will be completely different."

"That sounds like bullshit, but whatever I'm disinterested in that topic, fine let's talk privately. Lead the way"

His answer made Kyōka smile, she was a little glad that she didn't have to use force, she was unsure of the outcome.

"Alright then follow me."

( `END` )

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