The Demon's Bride
Chapter 162: Binding The Sweet Lips-III

Chapter 162: Binding The Sweet Lips-III

Elise's head hit the glass door softly when Ian's lips part from hers. Elise had never called Master Ian's name simply as Ian. It wasn't a large change as she had only cut one word but the impact could be felt to the strand of her hair.

"How long would you like to continue as a maid?" asked Ian to her, his words sweet on her ears. Elise didn't know how she should reply on it and Ian said, "No, leave that to me, I will make you the best opportunity and outcome," Ian pulled the finger he had bitten and Elise watched his blinding smile.

Elise didn't know if she had struck a luck today. She hadn't kissed Ian but also had his promise where he want to marry her. Knowing Ian, she wouldn't lie to her or take back the words he had said. "Can I ask a question, I-Ian?" asked Elise and Ian was pleased to hear her call him by his given name.

"Go on," Ian was curious to know what question Elise want to ask that she was being careful about it.

"Do... you love me?" asked Elise to Ian, her cheeks burn profusely red after the question that left her lips. She knew Ian was serious but the words were what she want to hear.

Ian tugged her chin for their eyes to meet and nothing else matter near them. Only one and other's face they stared at was their focus, "I kiss many people Elise but none was one I love until today. I want to make you mine. Do you know after the hundreds of years I passed by I lost my own desire. There wasn't many thing I desire. But now I desire you enough that I would do anything to make you mine. Is it that hard to believe?"

"It is," whispered Elise whose voice turning smaller but loud enough to be heard, "You are the Lord, I thought it wouldn't ended well."

"You mean your love wouldn't end well?" questioned Ian to see the pessimistic side of Elise that doesn't show often.

"Not every love end well. I know some love end even before it starts," answered Elise. Deep down Elise hope the situation where they were in now last forever. This day could be one of her happiest day in the peak of her life. To know Ian love her just like the way she felt for him.

Ian chuckled, "That is other's love story, sweetheart not ours. If you keep comparing our to theirs, it would be a pity to them as they will come lacking when compared to us." Ian leaned forward and whispered, "I love you." He gave her the confirmation she needed. "You haven't seen all of me but you will accept me, don't you?"

Elise brought her head to nod and Ian entangled his finger with her red hair, "I will accept everything about you," said Elise as she held his hand.

"I will take your words down to hell," said Ian who then took one step back take a better look on the mess he created to Elise.

Elise stood with her eyes at lost but it wasn't only Ian who was taking down the lovely image across his eyes to his memory. Elise who was also staring at Ian, look fixedly on the immaculate sight of Ian where he looked borderline dangerous with heat that was still evident on his eyes.

Elise didn't know what to do after a kiss and Ian didn't helped her by silently watching her. "About Maroon," started Elise, replaceing any topic she could pull from her mind only to hear Ian tched beside her ears, and saw his frown between his brows.

"Calling another man's name right off the bat after a kiss is a poor manner, Elise. You could talk about me all night long but not others name even my butler. You can only call my name, understand?" He waited for her response with his gaze pinned on her.

"Yes," Elise replied before pursing her lips, taking a note of it in her mind to never repeat and Ian pulled her hand, he felt warm to her.

"Should we go back now?" Ian's finger slide over her skin, "You are turning cold I don't want you to get a round bout of coughing." But what she felt was not all cold thought Elise because she was feeling very hot deep inside and she couldn't pin point exactly where.

When Elise agreed to Ian's offer, they both make way to enter his room. Elise look around the room in the dark while she walk beside the owner of the room. With the help of the moonlight that was neigh, Elise could see the shadows of the furnitures inside the room and her eyes fell on his bed where a canopy was over the bed to remember Ian's words of how the bed was near. Her heart suddenly squeezed, the heartbeat she kept calm began to pit a pat loudly beside her ears.

Staring at the bed only filled Elise's mind with naughty things and she reminded herself not to think but saying it on her mind only gathered more thought in her mind.

"Elise," Ian called his name and her breaths hitched. He didn't missed what happened to the girl who was holding his hand tightly as if not wanting to leave his room in contrary to her words.

Elise didn't know what was happening to her but Ian knew. For Elise who know pleasure as words, she didn't know how the effect could be lasting on her virgin body. Seeing her jumpy expression only rouse Ian's mean side inside him that gave him a need to torture her a little.

"If you keep looking on my bed I will push you there and tie you there. I have no slightest doubt that you would look like my most delicious prey in that bed," whispered Ian, threatening subtly only to see what kind of expression Elise made and when he turned his face, he caught the sublime expression to lick his lips, wanting to devour her. Ian promised not to do the 'intercourse' he didn't promise he wouldn't touch her, thought Ian to himself as his lips curled.

"N-no, I will be taking my leave, excuse me," said Elise and she ran quickly toward the door, turning the knob for light to appear to the room that was dark. Everything happened too fast for heart to follow today. Elise didn't know if she could contain all the overwhelming emotion she felt today with Ian's presence still near her.

She left the room slightly but Ian saw how the door was not closed even after some time and he left the room, pulling open the door to look down and met eyes with Elise. "I thought you are running away from me now?"

Elise looked at Ian and came again the irresistible expression on her face that was lovely to boot. "I love you," Elise whispered again and quickly left. Her footsteps start slow to get away from his door before it fastened and Ian knit his brows to lean on the side of his door while staring at Elise who was far gone by now after taking a right turn on the end of the hallways.

"Seriously, what am I going to do with you?" Ian ran his tongue to his sharp fangs, his eye color turning deeper with the thought and whispers he was holding back. To eat Elise would need preparation and he wasn't one to cook slowly.

Elise quickly ran to her room when reaching her room, she rested her back against the door, her smile widened and she placed one of her hand on her hard beating chest. "God thank you," she whispered, with her hands clasping. She had braced herself for today to end up with her in tears but Ian had the same feeling for her which somewhere she could tell but the event surprised her.

There was too many things going on in her mind and her fingertips raised to saunter over the rim of her lips. Feeling the softness, Elise felt as if she could still feel the lingering sense of Ian's lips on hers and the thought had her fingers to squeeze tighter before her chest.

Bringing herself to the bed, Elise covered her face with the pillow. There was still a smile wide on her lips that kept her from sleeping early tonight.

On the other hand, after Elise left, Ian still stayed on the door. "Milord," came the voice and Maroon who Ian had noticed coming toward him bowed his head to show his respect.

"It seems like you have a good news for me to hear," Ian remarked after seeing Maroon's expression. "What is it?" He asked before closing the door behind him and began to walk before Maroon.

"The information you required have been delivered by Cynthia and Austin. On the maid's recent behavior and the places she visits," replied Maroon who didn't continue until they entered Ian's study room.

Ian took a seat and crossed his legs, putting his hands on his knees, "Go on,"

"The maid named Tracey have occasionally visit Runalia, constantly visiting the villages on the East side of Afgard," replied Maroon who then put to details, "There are about four villages the maid visit, Carhen, Saltige, Guar, and Jolen."

"Oh?" Ian quirked his lips to leaned forward, interest came to settle on his eyes, "Isn't that Elise's aunt's village on the list."

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