To Live Again, For the First Time!
Chapter 103 - Dinner Pt III: (Eat It All Okay?~)

Everyone was stunned silent.

That was right. It was Noah who made this order, not Mason, not the employees, not anyone else, but Noah himself. The one and only.


Once the waiter left their table, still confounded, everyone started cheering as they chattered.

"Wow! Too cool!" One of the females on the second table said, clearly astonished.

"This check is really no longer in the 10 thousand range, what the heck?" Someone said as he flipped through the thick menu that the waiter had left there.

"Suave, really, suave."

Honestly, who even uses the word suave anymore?

"Hey, just who is he trying to impress here?"

One of the male staff members (Mason's employee not the restaurant's employee) gave Noah's table a repulsed glare, but his smile, which just couldn't be rubbed off his face betrayed him.

"But still, isn't this a little too much?"

"Yeah just look at these dishes, I don't think there's one that isn't in the 3 digits with the exception of the bread, he's really splurging today."

Noah didn't pay the others any mind as he was busy hiding his little smirk, one that you would usually replace in a 7-year old that just pulled a prank thinking it was the funniest thing in the world.

He shifted his gaze around, making eye contact with everyone around before opening his mouth again to kill the frenzied chatter.

"You guys wanted a feast right?"

"Then you'll have to make sure that you finish it all okay?~"

Noah smiled brightly as everyone else staggered in their seats.

'This guy is too revengeful!' They all thought.

But they soon forgot all about it after the dishes were brought in.

They all had their own little plans and ideas to deal with that matter.

"No problem!"

"I could eat the whole menu by myself, how could this faze me?"

They said...

"That's great! Then you won't be able to package any of it to take home. Though I'm sure none of you will have to resort to that since you can each eat a whole menu worth of this food. Don't be polite now! I can always order more if need be." Noah directly broke through all of their happy dreams of replaceing loopholes.

Suddenly, the food in their mouths seemed to taste a little less delicious.

Especially as they watched the plates the waiters were bringing in pile up.

Don't get it wrong, it's still one of the most delicious meals they ever had, after all, the most delicious foods are the free ones, but just thinking about the amount of food coming in made some of these people nauseous.

Half an hour later.

Stomaches were stuffed, plates were emptied, and drinks were drunk.

Noah had a satisfied smile on his face as he looked at the bloated people. It was somewhat sadistic, and he also realized that much, but he didn't mind.

However, what did surprise him was that one of the people to have emptied out the most plates in their whole group was actually Emilin, whose name he had finally gotten.

She herself had finished what Noah estimated to be over a quarter of the menu, enough food for around 3 adult males.

Considering her figure, Noah had assumed Emilin to be much like many of his other model acquaintances and friends.

People who were on strict diets of low carb, low sugar, low fat, and really, low everything, but that was now clearly not the case. I mean, Emilin had eaten a basket of that buttery bread that even Noah didn't dare touch.

He was impressed by her appetite, even now she wasn't slowing down, keeping a steady pace while eating.

At her rate, Noah wouldn't be completely surprised if she could truly finish the whole menu, not that they had ordered enough for her to eat the whole thing.

Noah wasn't the only one who had noticed.

Lisa, Mason, and Owen didn't fail to catch this detail either.

They were all people who interacted closely with models and so not a single one of them wasn't shocked to some level.

Lisa was jealous like most women would be if they were to see another female, or even male, eat food in such proportions while keeping such a desirable figure, or really just not inflating like a balloon.

Mason simply didn't understand how it was possible for such a little lady to eat so much. Questions like, 'Where is she hiding all this food?' and 'Does she just eat and then shit it out right after?' were ones that made him question how physics really worked.

As for Owen, he found it quite novel that a female wasn't counting the number of bites they were eating or the number of calories. 

He didn't mind it at all, after all, he found it quite distasteful at times when the lady he was spending time with stopped eating in the middle of dinner or something of the sorts saying, 'Welp, that's my daily intake of calories now.'

Like, what was he supposed to do then? 

Stop eating? No way. 

Since he hadn't finished his meal, he would of course continue consuming his food, yet somehow, they would always replace a way to scold him for it.

How absurd was that? Saying that he was being insensitive since he was eating when the other party already stopped.

Was it his fault? No.

It wasn't his fault that this person who he wasn't even in a relationship with, and who had demanded from him at least 1 proper 'date', couldn't eat since they didn't want to and then simply assumed that he wouldn't be eating anymore either.

To hell with that.

By the time Mason and some of the others stopped eating, Emilin also realized the amount she had consumed. Even for her, it was quite a bit, and there was some level of stress eating influencing that amount.

'Well, crap.'

Emilin put down her utensils with a clack at that point and was a little embarrassed to lift up her head.

It was fine if she were eating like that in front of her family (happens all the time) and friends (not that she had any), but in front of a bunch of people who could be considered strangers, acquaintances at best, this wasn't exactly appropriate, especially when she wasn't even the one paying.

Thinking to that point, Emilin stood up to excuse herself so that she could 'go to the bathroom'.

'So does she really just eat and then shit it out?' Mason rubbed his chin as he thought.

Then thinking that it wasn't exactly the best thing to think about while eating, he stopped.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about Mr. Owen?" Mason asked.

Owen sighed seeing that this old annoying man finally took the time out of his busy, busy day to stop eating and talk to him.

Though Owen knew clearly that it wasn't because the man didn't want to continue eating but rather because Mason couldn't anymore.

"Further cooperation of course." Owen went straight to the point.

"Queue up kiddo," Mason truly didn't give him the time of the day.

"What would cooperation with you take?" Owen wasn't discouraged at all.

"My interest of course," Mason didn't hesitate to answer as he grabbed another clam to replace the one he just ate.

"Then as long as you're interested, all terms are negotiable," Owen asked for confirmation, though it sounded much more like a statement.

"You could put it like that, though I'll tell you now kid, that's no easy task you have there." Mason pointed his empty clamshell at Owen as if talking to a child, or a junior.

Owen nodded as if agreeing. It was clear to him that the things Mason had seen and taken pictures of as of today were in no way insignificant.

For a private request, it indeed would have to be something of some significance for Mason to agree to cooperate.

"So what if I have something that is of interest to you?"

Owen decided that now was as good as a time as any to open up the topic and finally start the negotiations, after all, the other party seemed to be in a particularly good mood right now, which was advantageous to him.

Mason's attention shifted a little from his food to Owen, but just a little.

"Do tell."

Though Mason said that, it was obvious he wasn't particularly interested.

He had a good impression of Owen due to his father, but as for the man himself, Mason wasn't all too interested in getting involved.

As for the way he had spoken to Owen during the shoot, that was just to get to his nerves for the success of the shoot. He didn't actually really care about the man's private life.

"I have a big project I want to launch by next year and you are my best choice for a photographer," Owen said as he pulled out a small stack of papers which he then pressed under his fingers on the table.

"Please do keep some discretion," He added.

Mason rolled his eyes.

That much was necessary for his line of work. It wasn't something that really needed to be asked of. It was a silent rule, something that is expected.

Mason wiped his hands clean and reached for the papers. 2 sentences that made Mason's eyes widen were written on the cover page.

It wasn't discrete at all, but he hadn't been able to read it previously since Owen's hand was covering it.

[Authenic Fur Fashion Line]

Under which it said.

[20 different pieces made of Elise Fox Fur, Lull Bear Fur, Indiana Snakeskin, and more...]

It was absurd.

Absolutely crazy.

Did this guy not fear? After all, some of these animals were going near-extinct and were absolutely illegal to hunt, and even if they weren't illegal to hunt, people would be crazy to do so.

"Are you mad?" Mason finally expressed his shock.

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